Help Out the Summerfest!

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Our summer festival will be here before you know it! The success of it is truly because of all of your generosity!

We have counted on your support by purchasing raffle tickets, volunteering, and taking part in the SummerFest for over 40 years. This year, with your continued support and excitement, we are going to continue a donation program that allows parishioners and business owners to help cover some of the large festival expenses. We will provide an updated list of expenses in the church paper as needed.

Anyone who participates in this program will be recognized in our parish paper. Every sponsor will have signage posted in the various tents around the parish grounds.

For example, if you would like to sponsor prizes for the kid’s tent, a sign will be hung in the tent, proudly displaying that you helped provide the prizes for our festival. (Some items are very costly, so any size donation is greatly appreciated.) Multiple families can donate towards the larger items.

All donations will be recognized unless you would like to remain anonymous. (If this is the case, please check the box on the donation form to ensure anonymity.) There is also a box to check if you would like to donate a sum of money towards whatever is still needed.

The deadline for signs is Friday, August 4th. If you would like a sign with your name on it, please have your donations submitted by then.

Thank you for your generosity, love, and support for our beloved parish. We look forward to seeing you celebrate your efforts this August!

Here are some items that are needed to have a fun and successful festival:

Fire & Safety Prevention— $6000
Tents— $13,360
Tables & Chairs—$2,780
Porta Potties— $1900