The Sacraments


St. Malachy offers baptisms for infants and children under the age of 6 on Sundays once a month after the 11:30 mass (except during Lent). Here are our available dates:

Sunday, February 16th 

Sunday, May 4th 

Sunday, June 22nd

Sunday, July 13th

Sunday, August 24th

Sunday, September 7th

Sunday, October 12th

Sunday, November 16th

Sunday, December 7th

To properly prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism, instruction is required for both parents and godparents. Godparents should be at least 16 years of age and Baptized Christian. At least one godparent must be Baptized and Confirmed Catholic.

Parents and godparents are required to watch the short video below to learn more about the sacrament. All Baptisms are scheduled through the parish office at 586-264-1220 x 0.

For Baptisms of children in Grades 1 through 8, please contact our Faith Formation Office via email at

For Baptisms of those in 9th through 12th grade or Adults, please refer to RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults on our Becoming Catholic Page!


Reconciliation is held each Saturday at 3:00pm until all are heard.

Private arrangements can also be made with Fr. Joe by calling the main office. 

First Eucharist

First Eucharist for children is celebrated after two years of preparation usually in the spring of the second grade. At this point first Eucharist children will know about the life of Jesus, the difference between communion and ordinary bread and wine, and show a desire to receive Christ. Leading up to receiving the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time students will experience the sacrement of Reconcilliation.  The teachings are handled in conjunction with our Family Faith Sharing program and parental involvement.

For children in grades 3-8 in need of the Sacrament of First Eucharist contact the Faith Formation office for more information.


Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation begins when our children enter the 6th grade.

Grades 6 – 8 meet once a week to delve deeper into their faith and begin to uncover the mysteries of our Catholic faith. Confirmation Mass for St. Malachy is held in the Spring after a Confirmation retreat in the fall.


Please refer to Becoming Catholic link. 


The sacrament of Matrimony is the start of a journey that a couple walks together daily with God. God calls them to this vocation with love, guidance, compassion and strength. If you are being called to this beautiful Sacrament, please call Father Joe at least six months prior to your proposed wedding date for counseling and pre-marital testing.

Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the Main Office for more information on hospital visits and scheduling!

St. Malachy offers communion and the Mass to the homebound. Families with a homebound loved one are encouraged to bring the Eucharist home to them using a pyx. In addition to the Eucharist, we encourage you to watch our Live Stream masses to fully engage with the weekend liturgy.  These masses can be watched Live or On-Demand and are archived under our Media tab. 

As Catholics, we believe that the body, blood, soul, and divinity is present in the Eucharist. Therefore great care must be taken when bringing Christ to our loved ones. The proper container for carrying the Blessed Sacrament is called a pyx. These are available for loan in the sacristy, ask an usher for assistance. You may also purchase a pyx at a Catholic supply store. When you have a pyx, please bring it with you as you receive communion and present it to the Eucharistic Minister and they will place the Blessed Sacrament into the pyx.

If you are unable to attend mass don’t hesitate to reach out – we have Eucharistic Ministers that will bring the Eucharist to your loved one.

Please contact the Parish Office for more information and to schedule a funeral for your loved one. 

The Anointing of the Sick is intended for those who are seriously impaired with sickness or age. Please understand that this sacrament is not limited to only the elderly or those with impending death – it is intended for all ages.

By the sacred anointing of the sick and the prayer of the priests the whole Church commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them

Please call the parish office when there is a serious illness, or major surgery within your family. Please do not wait until death is imminent; it is intended for critical times during an illness or the weakening of physical condition. This sacrament helps those come to Christ since it is during the most emotional and difficult times in our lives that we run to Christ seeking his strength in love and compassion along with the prayers of our priest and the people of the St. Malachy community.

Holy Orders (Priestly Vocations)

Those with a passion for serving others may hear God’s call to turn to the diocesan priesthood and consecrated life to fulfill their life’s mission.

Religious vocations include the diocesan priesthood and permanent diaconate, religious order priests, consecrated life and other religious formations. Each person takes his or her own path in vocations, which could lead to celebrating the Gospel, teaching children or serving the poor and sick.

Questions about the Sacraments?

Contact Us!